Hello, you need a faster growth track with good results and good well in the field. You need to learn about the stock market before you even think about investing in this area. The world stocks in 12 sectors such as energy, which is one of Chevron divided. It is next to the last in the list of sectors. Technology is Numero Uno, but within the industry, the fastest growing IT services, not Microsoft. Then, electronic instruments and controls. Further, a computer memory devices. The next hot sector is Healthcare, but the warning below. Go here for the following industries: best software is Vector Vest if you can afford. . He investments Here is a website for free to map shares. (Http :/ / http://www.incrediblecharts.com/) to stay away from first ?professional brokers? and tips to come to you via e-mail or with friends and acquaintances. Yahoo! Answers and advice. Do your due diligence ? can not rely on someone else. Reliance by Emerson read self-test. ?Hey, you will say anything to get you to buy their garbage. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Do you remember, they are just people trying to sell you sell whatever their business grows . you are not a security expert or financial planner, not even financial advisors. Believe me, I know from experience that they will not especially with a million dollars. you risk losing everything. A million dollars is a ?whale? is known, and they would love to get their greedy little paws on it and suck it dry. you want to commission only what they buy and sell sucker, er ? customers .. The risk avoidance is the name of the game Just remember that the harder I work, the luckier I get. Penny Stocks are highly speculative and, but I would avoid buying launched less than a dollar per share. For example, most in less than $ 5. So there are some good companies, but it takes to dig more to find the right one. you are looking for companies with good income, low debt, low capitalization and good P / Es. was for stocks under $ 5, very few meet these requirements. Stay away from PHARMS because they have patented drugs ? not to invest in PHARMS generic, there is no growth Find out which industries are most popular, and invest in companies in these sectors, number one, two and three are: technology, health care ? and cyclicals ( retail) These changes regularly to keep abreast Clock CNBC, but do not pay too much attention to talking heads, with the exception of Jim Cramer, the wild man -. but he is trying to teach you how to invest and has good advice Get Real Money Jim Cramer. Sane Investing in an alienated world of James J. Cramer Listen to Jim Cramer on CNBC.com Go to Clear station quotes and tutorials on investment (http://clearstation.etrade.com/) Sign up a free consult. few stocks have their tutorials Get this book ? investment in Value: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond (Wiley Finance) by Bruce CN Greenwald, Judd Kahn, Paul D. Sonkin and Michael van Biema Another good book. The Motley Fool Investment Guide for Teens: 8 Steps to get more money than your parents ever heard of (Motley Fool) dreamed of David Gardner, Tom Gardner, and Selena Maranjian Mad Money, Jim Cramer: Watch TV, Get Rich by James J. . Cramer and Cliff Mason I want to make money on the stock market to begin learning invest without sacrificing your life savings by Chris Hart Sensible Stock Investing: How to choose the value and manage inventory by David P. Van Knapp Stock Investing For Dummies (For Dummies (Business &, Personal Finance)) by Paul Mladjenovic About Trading Strategies: The Easy Way by David Brown and Kassandra Bentley The Motley Fool Investment Guide and their Web site (http://www.fool.com /) Get Started The Little Black Book of Investing Microcap. beat the market with shares in the NASDAQ / AMEX, OTCBB Penny Stocks, and Pink Sheet stocks of Dan Holtzclaw how to make money in stocks: A Winning System in Good times or bad , 3rd Edition by William J. O?Neil Scholarship for a living: psychology, money management, negotiation tactics, by Alexander Elder Trends in Trading: Strategies to the movements of the large market (a market book) by Price Headley Extraordinary Popular Delusions and control the Madness of Crowds (Paperback) by Charles Mackay (Author), Andrew Tobias (Foreword) This book was about the Tulip craze in the Netherlands, where people pledge their houses to buy tulip bulbs. This is the same 2001 ? 2002 ? the Internet bubble, the stock market to its knees dot-com companies were buying tulip bulbs Investor?s Business Daily, it has many tutorials and I like it better than The Wall Street Journal indigestible Thurs money from Adam. Smith, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and other writings (Wiley Investment Classics) (Hardcover) by Philip A. Fisher. by Warren Buffet, the $ 100,000 took and raised Recommended to 34 billion dollars! Value Investing with the Masters by Kirk Kazanjian Value Growth Investing by Glen Arnold The 5 Keys to Investing in value by J. Dennis Jean-Jacques The Intelligent Investor Rev Ed (Collins Business Essentials) by Benjamin Graham. Warren Buffet was his student at Columbia The Money Masters by John Train The Bogleheads Guide to Investing by Taylor Larimore Common Sense on Mutual Funds. new needs for the Intelligent Investor by John C. Bogle Why Smart People make mistakes, and how much money they will be solved: Lessons from the New Science of Behavioral Economics by Gary Belsky Rule # 1: The simple strategy for successful investing in only 15 minutes a week by Phil Town. See the website at (http://www.ruleoneinvestor.com/). register for free. I had the book in the library. hearing. You do not have too much money to spend these books ? the most in your library and those that your library can not be found, you can get them usually from other libraries in your state, most of these books talk about stocks and mutual fund investments, but for . a good introduction to other forms of investing Gerald Appel has a great book called Opportunity Investing ? How to profit when stock fall advance, stocks decline, runaway inflation in the long run, the price reached the price of oil, the roof and everything. time between First, Break All the Rules: What?s the greatest coach in the world Do as varied by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman is not a book about investing, but it?s a nice transition into the next book Now Discover Your Strengths by Marcus. Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton to your strengths to work: 6 powerful steps to the outstanding performance by Marcus Buckingham Find your strengths to achieve is important when investing these books teach you how to capitalize on your strengths, what you most. Each best is good or passionate about something why not do better that you are good is another good book? chance .. Investing: How to profit to fall, when stocks advance, stocks decline, runaway inflation, the prices that Oil prices on the ceiling ? and every time in between (Hardcover) by Gerald Appel Most mutual funds funds are not even owned by the return of the S & P. ??It?s like 99% of them. Vanguard index funds are obvious. A CD is a better account of the savings. They range from six months to several years. You can not waste your money stir until tho time has elapsed. Check this site in terms of direct investment where it shares can buy directly from companies: .. (http://www.fool.com/School/DRIPs.htm) are usually free and you can buy a share at one time probably the safest bonds you can try a pension fund could return .. 5 or 6 percent to 5% would amount to one million $ 50,000 per year -. .. not a bad income Bear in mind, you must pay taxes on $ 50,000 There are also municipal bonds and generate their income is exempt from Especially if you buy them in a state that it offers, but they pay only about 3%, but it is mostly tax-free. Search Fidelity sector funds. Buy the best three look, then in six months and how do they do when it is not so hot, you select the next three are the best. To do this, for some years, and you will earn much money. personal regards, Walt Brown Site Build It Certified Webmastercapecod1 @ Capecod-beaches.comPost This script is a learning process, while reading the whole life. these books and applying the rules to analyze stocks that have good, it takes time. Be patient and you can read further and ?couter.PPS Internet has many good things, for example, is very good and their discussion of the MACD is one of the best, but his creator, Gerald Apple, but now we are going into the technical analysis and it is not for beginners. But it is an important factor in finding good stocks that go and . grow Remember, tiny acorns turning into great oaks.
Source: http://www.makeamillionpounds.com/income-dollar-investing-stocks/
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